What you can expect to learn at the 2025 Broiler Management In-Person AgriSchool:
Best Practice Management Techniques
Comprehensive management from day-old chicks to depletion.
Strategies for understanding and enhancing broiler behavior.
Biosecurity and Cleaning
Importance of biosecurity and cleaning to prevent disease outbreaks.
Basic Broiler Nutrition
Foundational nutritional guidelines for robust growth and health.
Data-Driven Flock Performance
Using data to monitor and optimize broiler productivity.
June 16 - 18, 2025
USD $1,980 *
Bangkok, Thailand
Program Dates:
Course Fee:
Early Bird and Group Rates are available up until April 10, 2025
*Course Fee includes:
VAT (7%)
Course material knowledge set
Certificate of completion
Lunch during the training program
2 refreshment breaks per day during the training program
Day 1: Foundational Principles of Broiler Farming
Understanding the Supply Chain – how the whole supply chain interacts with each individual part and the economics involved
Key Points of Broiler Management
Understanding Biosecurity - an in-depth overview of this essential part of broiler farming
Structural Biosecurity – how to structure builds to be most bio-secure
Cleaning and Disinfection – best practice for optimum cleaning and disinfection of houses and farms
Basic Broiler Nutrition
Day 2: Brooding Mastery and Farm Data Insights
Brooding Management - practice and theory behind best practice brooding management
Management from 7 days – post-brooding management
Weighing – understanding the importance of weighing for the farm and the processing plant
How to use data effectively & Broiler Economics - learn how to interpret the data you collect and understand it while gaining an insight into how to make (and lose) money at farm level
How to use Data – interpreting the data you record and how to use it
Day 3: Post-Mortem, Vaccination, and Farm Design
AgriSchool Facilitators
Conducted by seasoned poultry industry experts who have implemented innovative solutions to optimize broiler performance and health management systems!

Understanding the importance of vaccination and how to develop an effective vaccination program
Explore and gain an understanding of gut health through a post-mortem examination
Catching - best practices and understanding the Impact to your flock
Poultry House and Farm Design – simple farm design and understanding the standard requirements for new builds
Created for Poultry Managers focused on achieving superior broiler health and growth
Broiler farm owners and managers
Key production staff in broiler operations
Poultry veterinarians and health advisors
Nutritionists specializing in broiler feed
Technical consultants in poultry production
What you will get
Gain knowledge, experience, and know-how from leading broiler management professionals
Practical understanding of broiler farming with an emphasis on health, nutrition, and biosecurity
Course material knowledge set
Valuable connections with poultry industry experts and peers.
Certificate of completion
What did previous participants say?
Upon successful completion of the program, Progressus grants a verified physical certificate of completion to participants. This program is graded as a pass or fail; participants must receive a passing mark to obtain the certificate of completion.
Participants can verify their previously issued certificate at any time by contacting Progressus