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In many countries, aquaculture is booming, yet gaining practical, straight forward knowledge about fish and shrimp nutrition for producing performance and profitable aquaculture feeds is hard to find.
If you are seeking this kind of information either because you are focusing specifically on making feeds for fish and shrimp or coming from another feed type industry and you would like to learn, this is the place to be. The Aqua Nutrition AgriSchool is a comprehensive course that covers all the fundamentals of fish and shrimp nutrition, the range of feed ingredients to be considered and why, along with useful insights for application to various Asian species provided by seasoned nutritionists and feed industry veterans.
You'll walk away with
Complete and practical understanding of the nutritional requirements of all the main warm-water species
How to utilize the various macro and micro ingredients to formulate performance and yet economical diets and once that meet the latest in environmental, legal and social requirements
Knowledge, library of not easily found material and a certificate of completion
Get to know about Aqua Nutrition
LESSON 1 Aqua Feeds: An OverviewAquaculture has become a significant producer of healthy protein for a growing world population, and manufactured feeds have been a key driver of success. The biology and physiology of aquatic animals is different than land animals, and making feeds suitable for numerous fish and shrimp species is uniquely challenging. As aquaculture expands into the future, formulation of feeds made from sustainable ingredients that support rapid growth yet produce healthy, strong animals in high intensity culture will be essential. Topic 1 : Aquaculture Feeds: Past, Present, Future Topic 2 : Aqua Nutrition and how it compares with that of Livestock and Poultry Nutrition
LESSON 2 Fish Nutrition RequirementsTo obtain optimal growth and health of fish, feeds have to have complete nutrition, with nutrients in proper balance. In this lesson series, we focus on requirements of key nutritional components, as well as the effect inadequate intake of any nutrient has on animal performance and immunity. In addition, we outline the changes in behavior, metabolic effects and disease states caused by known nutritional deficiencies. Topic 1 : Overview of Fish Nutrient Requirements Topic 2 : Known nutritional deficiencies and disease signs Topic 3 : Fish Nutrition and Impact on Disease Topic 4 : Fish Nutrient Requirements: Proteins and Amino Acids Topic 5 : Fish Nutrient Requirements: Lipids and Essential Fatty Acids Topic 6 : Fish Nutrient Requirements: Vitamins and Minerals Topic 7 : Fish need energy: Energy Sources
LESSON 3 Crustacean Nutrition RequirementsCrustaceans are invertebrates with exoskeletons, with biology and physiology different than aquatic vertebrates like fish. Crustaceans undergo a periodic molting process which controls growth, and there are some nutrients that are uniquely essential to crustaceans that fish do not need. This lesson highlights the specific nutrient requirements of Marine shrimp Several species of crabs Lobsters Topic 1 : Crustacean Nutrient Requirements: Proteins and Amino Acids – Shrimps, Prawns, Crabs, Lobsters Topic 2 : Crustacean Nutrient Requirements: Lipids and Essential Fatty Acids Topic 3 : Crustacean Nutrient Requirements: Vitamins and Minerals Topic 4 : Crustaceans need energy: Energy Sources Topic 5 : Crustacean Nutrition and Impact on Disease: Known nutritional deficiencies and symptoms
LESSON 4 Special Review: Nutrient Requirements for Warm-Water SpeciesIn this lesson, we pay close attention to the specific nutritional and feed needs of a number of important commercial Asian species such as: Tilapia Carps Pangasius Asian seabass Milkfish Snakehead Marine and freshwater crustaceans Topic 1 : Nutrient Requirements for Nile and hybrid Tilapia Topic 2 : Nutrient Requirements for Marine Shrimp: Penaeus monodon and Penaeus vannamei Topic 3 : Nutrient Requirements for Freshwater Prawns: Macrobrachium and others Topic 4 : Nutrient Requirements Focus for Asian Seabass (Barramundi) Topic 5 : Nutrient Requirements of Carps: Chinese Carps, Indian Major Carps and other Carp species Topic 6 : Nutrient Requirements - Focus for other Freshwater species: Catfish, Pangasius, and Snakehead Topic 7 : Nutrient Requirements - Focus for other Marine and Brackish water species: Grouper, Pompano, Milkfish
LESSON 5 Aquaculture Nutrition and ConsiderationsThis lesson’s lecture series covers several important concepts, such as: The classes of nutrients that provide energy, and how fish and shrimp generate and partition energy use in metabolism. Stress and less than optimal health status can increase the need for essential nutrients, or can make usually non-essential nutrients conditionally essential. In addition to feed quality, environmental conditions and animal behaviors can impact feed intake, which directly influences growth. Physical characteristics of feeds as well as feeding strategies need to be designed to meet the specific differences in morphology, physiology and feeding behaviors of each type of aquatic animal being farmed. Topic 1 : Nutrition and Bioenergetics Topic 2 : Conditional Nutrient Requirements Topic 3 : Factors Controlling Feed Intake Topic 4 : Feed Types and feeding Strategies
LESSON 6 Formulating Aquatic FeedsThe protein content of aquafeeds tends to be hgher than for livestock and poultry, so greater quantities of high protein ingredients are needed. Furthermore, since feeds are dispersed in water for feeding, there are functional and physical characteristics such as water stability and whether a feed floats or sinks that depend on correct ingredient composition suitable for the extrusion and pelleting processes used to make feeds. In this section, we focus on: The role of feed formulation in making balanced complete feeds having different physical forms Introduction to IAFFD an online database containing species nutrient requirements and ingredient specifications to assist feed formulators Different classes of ingredients Methods for determining ingredient quality Commonly found anti-nutritional factors and contaminants in ingredients New types of ingredients being used to make feeds more sustainable, including insects and single-cell organisms. Topic 1 : Overview of Feed Formulation Topic 2 : Feed Ingredient Quality Topic 3 : Feed Ingredient Testing Methods Topic 4 : Formulating and Feed Milling: Ingredient considerations – Physical and functional properties Topic 5 : Digestibility and Nutrient Retention Topic 6 : Fish Meal Reduction Topic 7 : Fish Oil Reduction Topic 8 : Marine Ingredients Topic 9 : Use of Livestock Ingredients Topic 10 : Use of Poultry Ingredients Topic 11 : Use of Plant Ingredients and Oils Topic 12 : Anti-Nutritional Factors: Phytic Acid, Saponins, Lectins and non-starch polysaccharides Topic 13 : Use of Insect Protein Topic 14 : Use of Single Cell Protein: Yeast, Bacteria, Algae Topic 15 : International Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database: Formulator essential Topic 16 : International Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database: Feed Formulation Example Topic 17 : Ingredient and Contaminations: Mycotoxins, Heavy Metals and Carcinogens (PAH, POPs, etc.)
LESSON 7 Functional Ingredients and AdditivesThis lesson discusses a number of special ingredients and additives that may or may not have nutritional value used to: Improve physical feed quality and shelf life Provide attractive coloration Promote better animal health Reduce the effects of stress Boost immune response Topic 1 : Overview of Functional Ingredients and Additives Topic 2 : Promoting Health and Immunity through ingredients: Vitamins and Bioactive peptides Topic 3 : Role and appropriate use of Attractants and Carotenoids in Aquatic diets Topic 4 : Role and appropriate use of Yeast products: Whole yeast and various extracted Yeast components Topic 5 : Role and appropriate use of Prebiotics, Probiotics and Synbiotics Topic 6 : Role of Preservatives: Antioxidants, Mold Inhibitors Topic 7 : Feed Binders: Natural and Synthetic Topic 8 : The role of Enzymes in Aqua Feeds
LESSON 8 Aquafeed CertificationIn many countries, aquaculture production is mainly exported, and feed and farm certification by recognized organizations has become an important requirement imposed by importing agencies. This lesson introduces several of the most important certification agencies and compares and contrasts their certification requirements: Best Aquaculture Practice (BAP) Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) GlobalG.A.P. Topic 1 : Overview of most common certification: Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP), GlobalG.A.P and Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Topic 2 : Comparison of requirements for feed ingredients and manufacturing: Legal, Social, Fish meal reduction and Environment
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