Layer Production and Management
Focuses on the latest methods in Layer Hen production and management including genetics and breed selection, production standards, modern production methods, real time nutrition as well as topics around bird physiology, egg quality and health & disease management.
What You will Learn
Modern Standards, Genetic Potential and Health & Disease Prevention
Nutrition, Farm Management & Egg and Eggshell Quality
Production in Tropical Conditions, Farm Biosecurity & Health
Farm Visit and Practical Workshops
Consumer, Economics, Latest Technologies
Day 1
Modern Standards, Genetic Potential and Health & Disease Prevention
Global Layer Performance
The Modern Layer Bird - Critical Factors
Genetic Selection of High Performing Layer Strains
Viral, Bacterial, Fungal and Parasitic Health Challenges
Health and Disease Prevention, Control and Treatment
Vaccination, Procedures to achieve Optimum Immunity
Day 2
Nutrition, Farm Management & Egg and Eggshell Quality
Real Time Nutrition: Formulating for performance and market situation
Formulating for Gut Health
Alternative Raw Material Quality; Minerals, grains, meals
Tool for Optimizing the Nutritional Value of Alternative Raw Material
Farm Management and Husbandry
Egg and Eggshell Quality, Physiology and Abnormalities
Eggshell Laboratory workshop
Day 3
Production in Tropical Conditions, Farm Biosecurity & Health
Pullet Rearing in Tropical Conditions
Performance Targets and Egg Production in Tropical Conditions
Farm Management; Lighting and Ventilation programs
Biosecurity, Hygiene and Cleaning programs
Producing Eggs without the use of Antibiotics
Post Mortem Technique, Sample Collection and Preservation