WHAT IS Offshore Pen Aquaculture?
Marine aquaculture on the coastal areas are limited by available land and coastal inshore area for development. The constrains will be more serious due to the commercial land development and upraising environment protection concepts. Therefore, establishing marine fish production away from shore is the trend of marine aquaculture development.
The offshore pen aquaculture which farming fish at the open sea area to reduce or avoid the impacts from the costal area, such as pollution and tourism development would benefit the fish grow at better water quality environment and fish farmers with better production efficiency.
The development of modern offshore pen aquaculture since early 80s by industrial scale Salomon production in Norway. Nowadays numerous species at different regions around the world has applied this production technology and growing rapidly to supply the global demand of the fish.
Innovation in Offshore Pen Aquaculture
Farming fish at open sea with less contamination to fish
Modern cage technology resistant storm impacts
Feeding are precisely monitored & control
Mortality can be collect daily in reducing high hygienic issue
Facilitate fish health Management & disease control
Agri investors
Integrated marine fish producers
Aqua feed customers service personals
Fish Feed Manufacturers
Professionals of the aquaculture industry

Supported by

All there is to know about offshore pen delivered in one easy to access virtual location and accessible at your own convenience and any time
The course is delivered by the professionals that help develop the technology for your implementing
The content is based on the latest information available including new designs and new guidelines
The course’s content is designed in such a way that is engaging and consists of pre-recorded presentations on a variety of topics, guided video walkthroughs of offshore pen facilities, interviews, downloadable material and a lot more
The learning platform can be access via any computer, tablet and mobile phone device directly from any web browser or through a dedicate mobile phone application

Gain basic knowledge in offshore pen aquaculture sectors from hatchery to seafood marketing
Ability in determining if a site was feasible for offshore pen aquaculture
Understand cage system and capable in conducting certain maintenance
Correct practices in operating offshore pen aquaculture
Improve performance of all components of offshore pen aquaculture sector

Will be provided to attendees that complete the course
Certificate will be issued under the Progressus and USSEC brand
Welcome to Marine Fish Offshore Pen Aquaculture On-demand Course
How to Download training materials
Video overview of offshore pen farm in different regions
Video overview of interview offshore pen operator
Video Coverage of offshore pen farms in Southeast Asia
3. INTRODUCING of Offshore Pen Aquaculture
What is offshore pen aquaculture & short history
What sectors involved in offshore pen aquaculture
Current development and future perspectives of offshore pen aquaculture
4. Know the Hatchery for quality fish stock
Basic components of a marine fish hatchery facilities
Good & bad practices in marine fish hatchery operation
Observation of fish from appearance, behavior, feeding
5. Governance of offshore pen aquaculture site
Site selection criteria & licensing/ permitting
Calculating sustainable carrying capacity
Environment impact evaluation and management
6. Offshore Pen system in the Sea
Principle of grid mooring system, components, installations
Mooring applications to different Sea bed conditions
HDPE pipe components & specifications on offshore pen
Cage net material & design
7. Farming operation supportive systems
Land-based infrastructures & facilities
Transport & logistic management
Handling, counting, vaccination operations
8. Feeding at Offshore Pen Aquaculture
Introduction of feeding facilities in offshore pen aquaculture
Feed quality & performance evaluation
Feeding Management at offshore pen operation
Feeding Technique, feeding data collection & analysis
9. Fish Health Management & Disease Control
Principle of fish disease & health management
Biosecurity applications in offshore pen aquaculture
Commonly seen fish disease in aquaculture
10. Harvesting & Processing
Pre-harvest preparations, harvesting and packing
Packing and boxing, temporary storage
Product forms & compliances
11. Harvesting & Processing
Offshore farming company structure & personals
Production, Trade, Markets & Covid-19 impacts
12. Marketing of offshore aquaculture fish
Market access & markets for sustainable seafood
CAPEX , OPEX and cash flow
13. Sustainability of offshore pen aquafarm
Environmental impacts.: water quality and sediments
Environmental monitoring : equipment and methodology
Environmental monitoring : survey example