It was a successful turn out at VICTAM Asia 2022 with 100+ registration at our conference. Progressus brought ' Micro-Agrischool on Feed Milling to the show including 4 essential topics to feed millers :
Feed Plant Operations - Rajesh K Nair, A. VP Engineering Maintenance, Aboitiz
Construction Design and Equipment - Ed Robinson, Former Head of Engineering, Famers, UK
Technology and Data Acquisition- Dr. Korakot Thiwongkun, Automation & IoT Director, Betagro
Feed Deliveries and Feed Planning- Malcolm Steve, Senior Agriculture Director, Cargill
The sessions were facilitated the Yiannis Christodoulou Progressus, Managing director, and Jon Ratcliff, Managing Director, FACS Ltd.

At Micro Agrischool, we had a lot of great discussion among speakers, facilitators, and the audiences in regard to the presented topics.
Agrischool is the best place to meet people in the industry and talk about topics that matter. The full version of In-Person Agrischool will come back early next year (2023). Please contact our representative in case you want to receive more information.